Wednesday, July 16, 2008

The Best Joker?

Holy hotcakes Robin, this movie is really selling out! Corny, yes, but I could not resist. According to a story I found here on Drudge, Batman: The Dark Knight is going to be a tough one to get a ticket for this weekend.

So why all the buzz? Is it because it is really - as far as I can see - the only true summer blockbuster? Or that the evil Joker is played by the late Heath Ledger?

I have already read many critics saying that Heath is a thousand times better in the 'Joker' role than Jack Nicholson was. That may be and my tune could change after I see The Dark Knight, but my favorite portrayer of The Joker is Cesar Romero (pictured); who for those that don't know, played the role on the old Batman t.v. series.

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