The situation in Haiti is bad enough, I don’t think some t.v. lunatic running his mouth was really necessary.
R.I.P. legendary New York radio broadcaster Art Rust Jr.
I see there is a campaign where you can automatically donate via text message some money for the victims of the earthquake in Haiti. How much do you want to bet it turns out to be a scam or 98% of the money doesn’t go where it should?
Wait, all of a sudden Yemen is a hotbed for terrorism? I guess the USS Cole bombing was just another one of those "isolated incidents."
Barack Obama likes to say “let me make this perfectly clear.” OK why don’t you actually do it then, instead of saying you will.
Coffee Labs Roasters is a nice little coffee place in Tarrytown that has live music on most Fridays and Saturdays. They also allow people to bring in their dog. This was all fine until recently when someone with no life complained and so now it is no dogs allowed. Thankfully, though, a lawyer is offering their services at no cost to help the shop rectify the situation. With businesses struggling to stay afloat these days why would someone cause a stink? Why not just not go there if the presence of a dog or two bothered him or her so much?
But I’ve been wondering quite a bit lately who is watching the watchers?
N.H.L. goalie Curtis Joseph, better known as CuJo has retired. Joseph is the winningest goalie in NHL history never to win the Stanley Cup. Hall of Famer? You betcha.
UFC president Dana White and Brock Lesnar will hold a press conference next week on the status of Brock’s career. Brock is recovering from diverticulitis, a condition where pouches on your large intestine inflame.
Meanwhile, Randy Couture has told the media that Brock will be back this spring.
Former pro wrestler Ludvig Borga died last week in his home in Finland. Reportedly it was a suicide. Borga had a run in the W.W.E. in 1993-1994. He also had a brief career in mixed martial arts. Ironically, he was Couture's first m.m.a. opponent. Borga, real name Tony Christian Halme, was 47.
Manny Pacquiao will be fighting Joshua Clottey on March 13, not Floyd Mayweather. Oh boxing, you are indeed your own worst enemy.
There seems to be some rewriting of history when it comes to Mark McGwire. Although andro was found in his locker, I never heard anyone yelling steroids when he was belting homers in the summer of 1998. Andro at that time was legal. Still, “Big Mac” is a “Big Disappointment” in my eyes and although I am not shocked by his admission of steroid use, it’s a really huge black eye on baseball and commissioner Bud Selig. I also have to blame the players union and all the players in MLB for the "steroid era." If they wanted stricter testing it would happen. If a player with clout and a good reputation stood up to the media and said I want testing for everything, then I would have more respect for the players. But that hasn't and won't happen.
My friends over at BetweenTheRopes.com have launched a new show, "Fight Night Radio." It airs every Thursday night at 6 on the BTR Website and on ESPN 1080 in Orlando.The show is devoted exclusively to M.M.A.
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