Marty Kenney, known best for being a frequent caller to the Sean Hannity radio show, has died. Born May 3, 1918 in Manhattan, Marty grew up in the Bronx and went to Fordham Prep. He had 4 children 3 sons and one daughter. Later he moved to New Jersey in 1958 and worked for Nabisco for over 35 years. Marty was 90 years old. Marty Kenney started calling Hannity in 1996 when he was doing local night time programming on WABC-New York.
The Sean Hannity Show launched into syndication on September 10, 2001, one day before 9/11, but Marty continued to call the national program and soon became a permanent fixture and important member of the Hannity Team. A World War II veteran from New Jersey who stormed the beaches of Normandy, Marty grew 'near and dear' to the hearts of Hannity's 13 million listeners.
The Hannity Show often closes with a segment entitled, "Trash the Lines," where calls are taken unscreened, and listeners are given approximately five seconds to say whatever is on their minds. Whenever the segment was done, the final caller was almost always "Marty."
I often think of Marty after listening to him on The Sean Hannity Show. He reminded me so much of my dad, Capt. John W. Roney who also stormed the beach at Normandy as a young Captain in 1944. He was medically retired as a Major three years later after being awarded two Purple Hearts and the Silver Star (among other awards) My dad died in 1968 from his combat injuries. I was only 6 at the time so I never really got to know him or what he went through and the agony he suffered. He spent three years in military hospitals (1944-1947) before he was medically retired. He never spoke of his experiences but even as a six year old I saw the effect it had on him > I saw the scars on his body and saw the crippled limbs the combat caused. Many years later I can say how proud I am of him and wish I could have been more like him. My dad was and is a hero to me and countless others for the job he did. In listening to Marty I realized there were countless thousands of others like him who proudly served their county and became what we today call THE GREATEST GENERATION. It has been several years since Marty passed but I am thankful to have been able to listen to him. God Bless Marty, my dad, Major John W. Roney, and all of the men and women who have served this great county.
It's been so many years but I remember Marty from Sean's show and it's funny how you can cry for someone you will miss who you have NEVER actually known personally. I knew him from calling in to Sean's show, Monica's show and Mark Levin. I have missed him so much all of these years with so much hate and division. God Bless you Marty. I know you are watching over all of the chaos and will assist in any way you can. I have hope for our country. God Bless all Patriots!
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